This is the day that the LORD has made. Let us rejoice and be glad today! -Psalm 118:24 (NCV)
When I think about this verse, I am usually having a good day. What about the days when everyone is getting on my nerves, when it's cloudy and cold, when I lose my job, get a bad grade, lose a friend, break up with a boyfriend, feel too tired to do anything, lose my wallet, hurt myself, and what about the days when everything that could go wrong goes wrong? Do I rejoice in those days? God has a specific plan for those days too. He is rejoicing in those days because he sees where they will take me. He can see past the moment into eternity and when He sees me lose a friend, He sees me months down the road when I can help someone else who is losing a friend. When I am frustrated with everyone, He sees the opportunities I will have that day to love people. When I am tired, He sees how I can serve people despite how tired I am. When I lose my job, He sees how He's going to show me that He is a great and faithful provider. When I get a bad grade, He sees how I will work harder next time to honor Him through my hard work. He sees things through a lens of love and faith and eternity and grace. I am too caught up in the moment to even realize that there could be a positive.
I am challenging myself to see the good in every single thing that goes wrong today (it's been a good day for that so far... things haven't quite been going the way I'd hoped). Keep me accountable.
picture taken by: Digimist