Today my sister and I were cleaning out our closet. It was quite entertaining due to the fact that in our closet are schoolwork assignments, VBS crafts, cards, and projects from our entire lives. No kidding. I found a letter my kindergarten teacher wrote to me a few days before school started. I also found a little diary. I used to write a little tid bit about my day every night before I went to sleep. I was in fourth grade when I started my diary. It is really interesting to see what the child version of me would say about each day. What was important enough to write in a diary entry.
Here are a few good ones:
January 5, 1999.
"Dear Diary,
Today I went to two houses to deliver a basket full of fruit because they had old people in thier houses. When i went to school today I had a lot of fun playing with Brooke Miller's Beanie Babies. I like writing in my diary. I think I will be a Basketball palyer when I grow up.
That's All. Katie."
January 10, 1999.
"Dear Diary,
Today I went outside once. I think I will be an Iceskater or a Basketball player when I grow up. Today I wached The Wonderful World of Disney. Tomorrow I start basketball lessons. I am so excited, that is all I can think of for my diary today.
Signed, Katie."
January 21, 1999.
"Dear Diary,
Today Miss Watkins was back at school I had gymnastics after school today. I think its good that God sent his son to eath to help us. It's kind of good that Jesus died on the cross for our sins it's good, but that he died is bad. I had fun today.
April 4, 1999.
"Dear Diary,
Today i got my Easter basket. In it I got a chockolate bunny, Robin eggs, Jacks, Peanutbutter recese egg. I didn't get peeps in my basket but we got ppeps, I got a little bunny and I think that's all. I went to Homer City for Church. Emily, Harrison, Uncle Cliff, Aunt Barb, Kristen, Uncle Jim, and Aunt Betsy were there.
Thats all.
April 7, 1999.
"Dear Diary,
Today I went to Piano, Chior, and Dance. Tommorow Deirdre is sleeping over. But just because her Mom and Dad are going out of town. I love my mom and dad very much. My boyfriends name is David Domer. He is so cute! I only have 1 more whole months of school but counting April 2.
Thats all.
April 11, 1999.
"Dear Diary,
Today I went to the college to practice for the talant show. I will go home with Alee on the bus. The talent show is on Thur. this week!!! I saw "Horney the Spy" today for Disney. I think it was neat. I have another boyfriend his name is Shane.
Thats all.
I had a lot of fun. Almost every entry I made said that I had fun that day. Obviously I had no idea why I did charitable things such as give gifts to the elderly. I also liked boys already, considering the fact that I had two boyfriends at one time. I enjoy the rawness of the spelling, grammar, and sentence structure. Some of them don't even make sense. I do think that it is extremely important to note that on no particular holiday and no particular time I decided to write about how important it was that God sent his son. It was even a Thursday. I didn't even go to church that day! God was working in me as a fourth grader. I had the faith of a child. I loved the Lord and I understood how crazy it was that he died for me. I also understood that although the gift was glorious, his death was hideous. I hope I can still have the faith of a child. Understanding things for what they are instead of trying to see them in such a confusing light.
I don't know if this post made sense or what, but I loved seeing that I had the faith of the child. It's crazy to see that same faith in me today.